dial function

Future<ClientChannelBase> dial(
  1. String address,
  2. DialOptions? options,
  3. String sessionCallback(

    Connect to a robot at the provided address with the given options


    Future<ClientChannelBase> dial(String address, DialOptions? options, String Function() sessionCallback) async {
      final dialSW = Stopwatch()..start();
      _logger.i('Connecting to address $address');
      final opts = options ?? DialOptions();
      if (opts.attemptMdns) {
        final mdnsSW = Stopwatch()..start();
        try {
          final mdnsUri = await _searchMdns(address);
          // Let downstream calls know when mdns was used. This is helpful to inform
          // when determining if we want to use the external auth credentials for the signaling
          // in cases where the external signaling is the same as the external auth. For mdns
          // this isn't the case.
          final dialOptsCopy = opts.._usingMdns = true;
          dialOptsCopy.webRtcOptions ??= DialWebRtcOptions();
          dialOptsCopy.webRtcOptions?.signalingServerAddress = mdnsUri;
          return await _dialWebRtc(address, dialOptsCopy, sessionCallback);
        } on NotLocalAddressException catch (e) {
        } catch (e) {
          _logger.d('Error dialing with mDNS; falling back to other methods', error: e);
        _logger.d('STATS: mDNS discovery took ${mdnsSW.elapsed}');
      bool disableWebRtc = opts.webRtcOptions?.disable ?? false;
      if (address.contains('.local.') || address.contains('localhost')) {
        disableWebRtc = true;
      final Future<ClientChannelBase> chan;
      if (disableWebRtc) {
        chan = _dialDirectGrpc(address, opts, sessionCallback);
      } else {
        chan = _dialWebRtc(address, opts, sessionCallback);
      _logger.d('STATS: dial function took ${dialSW.elapsed}');
      return chan.timeout(opts.timeout);