atAddress static method
- String url,
- RobotClientOptions options
Connect to a robot at the specified address with the provided options.
// Example usage; see your machine's CONNECT tab for your machine's address and API key.
Future<void> connectToViam() async {
const host = '<YOUR ROBOT ADDRESS>';
// Replace "<API-KEY-ID>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key ID
const apiKeyID = '<API-KEY-ID>';
// Replace "<API-KEY>" (including brackets) with your machine's API key
const apiKey = '<API-KEY>';
final machine = await RobotClient.atAddress(
RobotClientOptions.withApiKey(apiKeyID, apiKey),
static Future<RobotClient> atAddress(String url, RobotClientOptions options) async {
Logger.level = options.logLevel;
final client = RobotClient._();
client._address = url;
client._options = options;
client._channel = await dial(url, options.dialOptions, () => client._sessionsClient.metadata());
client._sessionsClient = SessionsClient(client._channel, options.enableSessions);
client._client = rpb.RobotServiceClient(client._channel);
client._streamManager = StreamManager(client._channel as WebRtcClientChannel);
await client.refresh();
return client;