addTagsToBinaryDataByIds method

Future<void> addTagsToBinaryDataByIds(
  1. List<String> tags,
  2. List<BinaryID> binaryIds

Adds tags to binary data based on IDs.

 _viam = await Viam.withApiKey(
     dotenv.env['API_KEY_ID'] ?? '',
     dotenv.env['API_KEY'] ?? ''
 final dataClient = _viam.dataClient;

 try {
  // List of tags to add
  final List<String> tags = ['tag_1', 'tag_2'];

  final binaryIDs = [
   BinaryID(fileId: '<YOUR-FILE-ID>', organizationId: '<YOUR-ORG-ID>', locationId: '<YOUR-LOCATION-ID>'),
   BinaryID(fileId: '<YOUR-FILE-ID>', organizationId: '<YOUR-ORG-ID>', locationId: '<YOUR-LOCATION-ID>')

  // Call the function with both tags and IDs
  await dataClient.addTagsToBinaryDataByIds(tags, binaryIDs);

  print('Successfully added tags to binary IDs');
 } catch (e) {
  print('Error adding tags: $e');

For more information, see Data Client API.


Future<void> addTagsToBinaryDataByIds(List<String> tags, List<BinaryID> binaryIds) async {
  final request = AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDsRequest()
  await _dataClient.addTagsToBinaryDataByIDs(request);