log method

Future<void> log(
  1. String partId,
  2. dynamic host,
  3. dynamic loggerName,
  4. OutputEvent event,

Log the OutputEvent to app with the given partId.


Future<void> log(String partId, host, loggerName, OutputEvent event) async {
  late String level;
  switch (event.level) {
    case Level.debug:
      level = 'debug';
    case Level.warning:
      level = 'warning';
    case Level.error:
      level = 'error';
      // Assume info level if none of the above.
      level = 'info';

  // Assume log was just output (OutputEvent has no timestamp field).
  final Timestamp protoTs = Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.now());

  // Join lines with '\n' and suffix with '\n'.
  final String message = '${event.lines.join('\n')}\n';

  final LogEntry entry = LogEntry(host: host, level: level, time: protoTs, loggerName: loggerName, message: message);
  final request = LogRequest(id: partId, logs: [entry]);
  await _client.log(request);